Dr Winston Chow

Co-Chair, Working Group II, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Professor of Urban Climate, Singapore Management University

Dr. Winston Chow is the Co-Chair of the IPCC Working Group II, elected in July 2023, where he co-leads the development of the IPCC’s 7th Assessment Cycle reports, including a Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. 

He is also a Professor of Urban Climate and Lee Kong Chian Research Fellow at Singapore Management University's (SMU) College of Integrative Studies (CIS), where he leads the urban infrastructure research pillar at SMU's Urban Institute. His research focuses on urban climate change risk, vulnerability, and heat island adaptation. Dr. Chow is the Co-Lead Principal Investigator for the Cooling Singapore initiative, which addresses urban heat challenges. He holds a Ph.D. in Geography from Arizona State University, and Bachelor's and Master’s degrees in Geography from the National University of Singapore.